Servo Valve Inventory
Stock Supplier of Jet Pipe & Nozzle Flapper Type Servo Valves
United Servo Hydraulics offers a complete solution when it comes to servo valve troubleshooting, refurbishments, and supplies. As a supplier of both ABEX and MOOG servo valves, our experienced team maintains stock consistent with the various systems that we support, partnering directly with the OEM when necessary to keep your shelves stocked.
>>> View our current new servo valve inventory.
Refurbished units are available at a discount upon request and warrantied for two-years directly by United Servo.
>>> Utilize our Buy-back Program for account credit towards the purchase of your next purchase or repair.

Buy-back Program
Before you make the call to scrap your old servo valves, let us provide a free inspection and quote. Normal clean and calibration is a great way to identify bigger system issues and credit towards the cost of replacement units creates the perfect solution.
As a supplier of Moog and Abex servo valves, our streamlined buy-back process allows for
- Quick receipt of your new valves
- Expedited inspection of your used valves
- Immediate account credit, available for use against new purchases and repairs
Ship your used valves to
United Servo Hydraulics, Inc.Attn: Buy-back Program
1450 Genicom Drive
Waynesboro, Virginia 22980
To learn more about our functional testing procedures and capabilities, visit our Servo Valve page.

United Servo Hydraulics Driver
Portable Servo Drivers ©
Field diagnostics and system data is critical to accurate outage planning and budgeting. The Portable Servo Driver is a handheld, battery operated, electronic device that allows for remote valve operation, bypassing the control room.
This easy to use device allows you to:
- Test operation of Abex and Moog servo valves before start-up
- Check proper null bias of the valve

Strainers & Filters
For preventative maintenance to your servo valves between routine refurbishments, we stock the filter and necessary tools you need to help eliminate the impact of contamination.
EHC System Filters
Large Frame Westinghouse Steam Systems
Combustion Systems
Servo Valve Kits
ABEX Strainer Kits
MOOG Filter Kits
>>> Visit our Resource Center for instructions and tips on replacing your filter in the field.